Sunday, July 25, 2010

Food Video of the Week: Grilled Corn on the Cobb

A new thing I'm going to do here is post a link to a great cooking video I've found during the week. There's tons of great demonstrations on various food websites and scattered across Youtube. Why not draw your attention to the ones I think I especially great? 

Today's video is from Mark Bittman's Minimalist column in the New York Times. It's a wonderful recipe for the best grilled corn I've ever had. We stayed in last night and this corn was the star of our dinner, alongside leftover roast chicken and a tomato peach basil salad.  The corn is fantastic. Bittman describes it as almost "popcorn like" in flavor, and I agree. The addition of the chili-lime mayo takes the whole thing up a level. It's an incredibly simple combination of ingredients that makes a great summer side dish.

1 comment:

Corky said...

Definitely our favorite way to fix corn on the cob. Good choice. Typically, we use a cayenne/garlicsalt/butter mixture. Also, the grilled corn cut off the cob makes a great corn relish for salads.