Sunday, August 15, 2010

Video of the Week: Cooking in a Hotel

Last weekend I went to Raleigh with the husband for a literature convention. I love attending geek conventions of any ilk. It's nice to not be the nerdiest, most socially awkward person in a given room.

Since this trip coincided with the official beginning of my unemployment, we decided to take a few cost cutting measures this time. Not huge ones, because of one the great joys of travel for us is trying new foods, but enough that we could feel like we were getting the best value from our trip. So we packed a batch of Blueberry Cream Cheese muffins and fresh peaches and bananas to snack on. It made for a good breakfast most days of the convention.

We haven't decided if we're doing this for Dragon*Con in a couple weeks. Since we're staff for the convention, it's harder for us to schedule meals. I might pack more substantial snacks than I usually do, just so I can skip the food court a couple times.

But if you want serious hotel room fine dining, this video is the perfect guide. George Egg makes English muffins, and pasta using just a few simple appliances and easy to get ingredients. I'm awfully tempted by that pasta recipe. It looks something I could live off for four days.

Anyways, check it out.

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