Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gobble, Gobble

The turkey, she is taking up my fridge.

My camera is on the fritz, so no pictures of the beast occupying most of my fridge space this week. And it's only 17 pounds. That's practically a baby as Thanksgiving turkeys go. I know I have never cooked one so big before. I've also managed to finish all of my shopping. The only flaw so far? The bagger at Publix put my bag of cranberries in the same bag as two cans of chicken stock. Yeah, slightly crushed. Still usable, but they made a sticky mess on my counter.

My sisters finally settled on their desserts. They'll be bringing me (I mean us...) a Tollhouse Chocolate Pecan Pie and a pumpkin cheesecake. Pumpkin cheese cake seems like the hot trendy thing this year. Someone brought a beautiful one to the staff potluck at work last week, and I've been inundated with recipes from some of my forums and blogs. I'm not quite brave enough yet to make my own cheesecake, so I'll leave it to them.

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